
Institutional Edition – Release Notes 20231006.4

Production Overview

This post details the changes that went into production or in our testing environment for Inovestor For Advisors on October 6th, 2023. All changes apply to the institutional license.

Buy/sell lists user interface enhancements

The key elements of the strategy, which include the DOI (%), buy and sell criteria, have been added to the buy/sell lists to reduce the need for back-and-forth navigation between the strategy-building tool and the buy and sell lists.

Region toggle button added to the strategies section

The toggle button helps the user organize their Canadian and U.S. strategies. This allows the user to see either  U.S. and Canadian, or both regions simultaneously.

Testing Environment Overview

The enhancements currently in our testing environment are the following.

Color coding for buy and sell lists

When the “all” list is selected, a color-coding algorithm is applied to highlight the companies that don’t meet the criteria. For the buy list (all), the companies having a sell or hold status have their names and tickers highlighted in red. For the sell list (all), the companies with a sell and hold status have their names and tickers highlighted in red.

The algorithm also highlights in red the specific criteria that make the company fail the screen. The color coding applied to the ranking represents either the “top percentile” or “top stocks” criteria.

And/Or criteria for buy and sell rules

And/or criteria offer the possibility to link criteria together to create advanced criteria.

For example, for a buy list, we could link with a OR criteria:

  • P/E lower than 20
  • 1-year sales growth greater than 5%.


Typically, to be considered a qualified stock, the stock must meet all the specified criteria. However, for criteria included in this function, a stock will be deemed qualified if it meets at least one of the two criteria.

On the opposite, a stock with a sell status must meet at least one criterion in the sell rules.

For the AND statement within a sell list, both criteria within the AND statement must pass, so that the stock is deemed qualified (i.e. a “sell”). 

Grades calculated from the universe

Previously, grades were never refreshed in our user interface. This caused problems when the user would change the universe of their strategy. The grade values (e.g., A+ (XXXX.XX)) would not update according to the new universe.


